The Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society (ACEPIS)

The Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society (ACEPIS) is a dedicated Afro-centric think-tank with a profound commitment to advancing inclusive and sustainable development across the African continent. At the heart of our mission lies the belief that credible information is the cornerstone of informed policymaking and meaningful public discourse. To this end, ACEPIS has launched the Free Info Programme, a multifaceted initiative aimed at addressing disinformation, countering hate speech, and enhancing online safety.

One of the key components of the Free Info Programme is our emphasis on Media and Information Literacy (MIL). Through the development and dissemination of MIL toolkits and training, we empower a wide range of stakeholders, including journalists, content creators, youth, and civil society organizations. Our vision is clear: we strive to foster responsible digital citizenship and promote digital literacy. By enhancing MIL, we believe that we can contribute to a safer, more informed, and inclusive online environment.

At ACEPIS, we understand the importance of balancing the fight against disinformation with the preservation of freedom of expression. We wholeheartedly embrace the coalition’s vision, which involves working collaboratively to bring about positive changes in content moderation practices while safeguarding the essential principle of freedom of expression. ACEPIS is committed to the betterment of Africa through knowledge, information, and the promotion of responsible digital practices.

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