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FeCoMo Annual Gala: Celebrating a Decade of Impact

The FeCoMo Annual Gala is a flagship event that marks a decade of dedication to promoting social, economic, and community development. It's a grand...

Empowerment Workshop: Nurturing Sustainable Development

FeCoMo is committed to fostering sustainable development and empowerment within communities across Africa. One of our core activities is the "Community Empowerment Workshop," a...

FeCoMo Green Africa: Sustaining Our Tomorrow

The "FeCoMo Green Africa" campaign is an ambitious and visionary initiative aimed at addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time -...

The Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society (ACEPIS)

The Africa Centre for People Institutions and Society (ACEPIS) is a dedicated Afro-centric think-tank with a profound commitment to advancing inclusive and sustainable development...

Kenya launches a national coalition to fight against harmful content on digital platforms

On 14 March 2023, UNESCO in partnership with the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) launched the National Coalition on Freedom of Expression and...
